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Maged S.Mikhail, M.D, R.V.T.
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Treating Varicose Branches

Varicose veins on the skin surface are usually only the branches of the diseased saphenous vein. Large varicose vein branches should always be treated at the time of endovenous ablation with either microphlebectomy or sclerotherapy.

When left untreated, these branches often clot and become painful afterwards. Untreated varicose branch veins can also be a source of residual symptoms, remain cosmetically unattractive, and increase the chance of future varicose vein problems.

Some physicians who perform endovenous ablation unfortunately do not treat large varicose branches until problems arise. In such instances, patients often go through needless discomfort and require additional procedures later. We treat all large varicose branches at the time of the endovenous ablation. Those just under the skin are removed through small needle holes that heal without scarring (microphlebectomy), while deeper ones are treated with ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy.

Before & After
The Los Angeles Varicose Vein Center is one of few clinics in Southern California that specialize in minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins.
We offer expertise in problems ranging from complicated cases, such as recurrent varicose veins after stripping surgery, perforator vein reflux, and advanced chronic venous insufficiency to simple cosmetic spider veins.
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